Living with a British family

After several years working for a branding agency, I decided to travel and experience Europe as a consumer and local. Living in the UK (before Brexit) for almost a year throughout the pandemic was a bit of a peculiar time.

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Through my professional career I have learnt that the best way to know more about your audience and their insight is when you visit their own home. While being in the United Kingdom I lived with two British families, one in Brighton and one in London. I must say that this is one of the best ways to experience the culture and customs of a country. 

I will tell you about my experience and of course their particular philosophy and customs, also the most preferred traditional brands they love. 

Let me introduce you to the general environment. The United Kingdom  is well known and famous for being multicultural, and yes, you could listen to English, Spanish, French, Italian, etc. It is also known for the facilities and the quality of life in terms of security, transport, health, etc. 

Iconic home habits 

According to a British Study from the University College of London has shown that it takes 66 days to acquire a habit and I might tell you this is true and most of you, from Latin America must have experienced the changes, also living in Europe. Before the United Kingdom, I lived in France and the first rule is to take off your shoes before entering the house.

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Is to stay “Barefoot” and enjoy walking with liberty although you might remember wearing nice socks. You will feel a change on your feet, no heels, especially during the pandemic, and of course, I missed wearing high heels at parties.

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“Do you fancy a cuppa tea?” Yes, it is not a myth, “the kettle” is a must in every house and I was so glad because I have always been a “Tea lover”.

There’s a curious fact around this iconic habit, when Lady Di passed away, it was the day that most kettles and TVs were connected, according to Lady Di’s documentary in Netflix.

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Gardening.  British people love looking at gardens, and it was so helpful during the lockdown period. They specially look after plants and flowers, and if they have the opportunity they go to the countryside and enjoy nature specially in these days.

The most preferred brands

When you live with a British family you start to compare your own habits and favourite brands when it comes to food and shopping. This time I will tell you about the most traditional food brands.

I have worked for children’s brands such as Choco Milk & Cal-C-Tose in Mexico and I grow up with Kellogg’s and Marías on the table. In the United Kingdom British children grow up with Weetabix, Alphabites (cereal brand), Digestives (biscuits) & Marmite. Those brands are the most traditional.


A brand since 1932. It believes in a nutritious breakfast. It is amazing how they bring dynamism to a traditional brand through packaging, digital, etc.


A brand that began in 1800 and still alive among British families, a traditional biscuit that has been innovating through the years with a great portfolio of products. 



“Love it or hate it”, and I hated it. Marmite is a spread that British people use to spread on their toast. It is made from beer yeast. It is an iconic and traditional brand as well and innovation has been a key to bring dynamism to the audiences and perception. You can also see artists interacting with Marmite’s assets.

In conclusion…

The British culture is absolutely full of symbolisms and icons to be discovered and understood. This time was the opportunity to talk about the general customs at home and the most traditional brands of the country to introduce you to the culture.

As I mentioned before, if you want to know more about your consumers, I encourage you to interact with them. Nowadays, is a bit difficult but we can find creative ways to understand their needs and fears.

If you are curious, you can visit the sites below, I will share with you more about this experience and you are welcomed to leave any comment.


Sanz Elena. “ How many days do you need to aquire a habit?”  Recovered from: February 8th, 2021 08 de Febrero de 2021.



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